Monday, November 3, 2008

Halloween- NOT a treat

...What a cute holiday. Young kids dress up as cartoon characters, princesses, witches etc. and go around the neighborhood trick-or-treating.
They turn 15/16/17/18. I am surprised at how many girls from my school dressed up like prostitutes this year. If you are old and have no kids, or if you are younger with young kids you may not know what I'm talking about. However for anyone at Grant H.S. or really any public H.S. that I know of- this is a reality.
I'm not sure what many people were thinking. Lingerie and bunny ears does NOT equal a costume. Seriously there were A LOT of people wearing only underwear! And personally, I think wearing a men's t-shirt and lacy thigh-highs and poofed up hair, and calling yourself a "morning after girl" is trashy both in theory and in execution. How is dressing up like "you just got up after the morning of a one night stand" appropriate in ANY way, shape or form? Its not.
Then you have the other people that just take normal costumes and make them slutty.
I don't think I know of very many girls who wore pants.
But I only know people dressed like this because they put the pictures on facebook.

OKAY. Where's the logic? Dress up innapropriately + put the pictures online for the whole world to see= get guys? No. Lose respect. I lost respect for almost ever person I saw dressed like that.

I'm not trying to sound all preachy or holier-than-thou but seriously, whats up with this? I do not know how anyones parents let their kids out of the house looking like that. I wore my mom's lederhosen she had made in Germany 30 years ago and a long sleeved shirt and went to help at my friend's halloween haunted porch. Alice dressed up as Sigmund Freud (complete with painted on glasses and beard) and did trick-or-vote, reminding people to turn in their ballots.

I'm just fed up with this. Most of it was just gross.

1 comment:

The Leeks said...

I couldn't agree more. Furthermore...... at what point does it become uncomfortable for a kid to trick or treat? I had a whole group of 16 - 18 year olds. At least they had costumes. Keep up the good posts and stay away from those skanky girls. That is just gross.