Well, I have been saving money in a custodial account since 1st grade. They used to have this Washington Mutual program at school where once a week or something you could put change into your account, while at school, and would get prizes. Lets just say that money has added up over the past ten, eleven years. All the money I would get for birthdays or fiddle competitions or Christmas or whatever, I would deposit in my savings account. I think the only time I took out money was $100 towards painting my room in 5th grade. Its been awhile. Anyways, uh, I just found out my parents won't let me touch this money. Dumb. But, I've never wanted to spend it before now, which proves I've always been pretty responsible with my spendings.
Until I got a debit card.
Wow, debit cards make me spend money without thinking about it. I got a debit card for traveling to Mexico by bus, so that I wouldn't have to use cash to pay for 14 meals there and back. And I needed it when I traveled to Scotland/London for two weeks. It was necessary. As evidenced by my previous days, I do not have a good history of holding on to cash. Anyway, debit cards are good and bad. At least its not like a credit card and I'm going to go into debt before I'm twenty. No, no no! However, debit cards make it seem (or at least to me) like everything I pay for with a debit card is very cheap or free or something because I am not physically holding the money in my hand. That, is bad. And, causes me to spend more money on things.
Okay, I'm not talking about crazy, wacko purchases. I'm mostly referring to spending money on my two favorite things: tea and food. Okay the tea thing has gotten bad. My best friend Alice and I have taken to going to Townshend's teahouse on Albert, at least once a week. The drink I get costs $3.25! To people who have steady jobs this may seem like no biggie. But I mean, I have no real source of income except babysitting (thank you Heather and Bob for employing me there!).
But heres the thing. I really despise spending money. Well I mean I love it, but hate it. I love to get the things money buys, but I wish everything was free. The cheapest aspect of my life would be clothes. I RARELY buy new clothes. I consider a pair of jeans costing over $20 to be overpriced. I feel bad about spending money on a $17 haircut. It seems like a waste. But I understand that there are some things that just have to get done. I wish I had more clothes, considering half my closet was at one point my moms, or is over 2 years old or was bought second hand. But actually that is a good thing, considering I don't like spending money!
Anyway the direction in which all of this is heading is to my absolute love of music, my new obsession and newfound knack for guitar and my deep, deep desire to be the proud owner of a Martin brand guitar. My mom has a Martin (although my dad has kind of banged it up a bit) and they are just great guitars. I really, really want one. And I would definitely use it everyday. Uhm, since this no-facebook thing... I've been playing guitar for an unhealthy 5 hours a day somedays.... and others more like 2 hours.
So I really want one. A guitar of my own (because its not like my family doesn't already own three guitars or anything...). My parents gave me like $250 towards a guitar for Christmas. And I put some more money from selling fiddle books and babysitting (I love self employment hah) into my fund and I now have $357 towards a guitar. But the guitar will cost a minimum of $500.. .and realistically more like $700 where I'm leaning towards.
So this is big. I'm saving, saving, saving. Don't let me spend money. I need to take all the saving money out of my debit card account and put it into savings. I cannot get tempted. OH did I also mention I'm saving $150 towards my Mexico Mission trip? And possibly $500 towards a senior trip to Mazatlan? And possibly another $150 towards senior beach weekend? I mean those are tentative, though.
I guess what I'm saying is that I have to go contribute to society, and get a "job". What a scary thought. I never thought I would have to pay taxes... be one of those people. Well, I may just need to face it, because my life is getting needy and expensive and my parents aren't having it. Wish me luck!
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